Amazon deforstation

Team: 29

School: Truman Mid

Area of Science: Coding in biomes

Proposal: Amazon Deforestation

The Amazon Rainforest has long been a target of modern-day development. The canopy is ripped apart for timber, the earth scoured for minerals, and the land scorched to make way for ranching. Over the last decade, protections were put into place which curbed the rate of deforestation in the Amazon. However, things changed in 2018, following the election of Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro. The Bolsonaro administration scrambled to loosen environmental protections, empowering ranchers and loggers to increase the pace of development in the forest, bringing them into direct conflict with indigenous people who live in and around the forest and depend upon it for survival.

The impacts of deforestation in the Amazon basin carry many serious implications, many of which are already being felt. We will code models to analyze all the concerns for the Amazon deforestation that are raising grave concerns such as impacts on indigenous communities, animals, plats, ecosystems, water supply for South American cities, and local climatic changes.

Team Members:

  Sade Garcia
  Yaritzel Castro
  Briana Anaya

Sponsoring Teacher: Natali Barreto

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