Team: 3
School: Manzano High
Area of Science: Environmental Science
Proposal: Climate Change Affecting the Power Grid
Team Number: 3
Team Members: Nancy Avila
Candis Canaday
Gwenevere Caouette
Kyreen White
Teacher(s): Ms. Lunsford
Sponsor: Mrs. Glennon
Area of Science: Environmental Science
The Definition of the Problem: The increase of CO2 and heat on our planet has brought on the failure of the power grid. With added heat on the planet, many more power outages have been present, specifically this past summer. Around 90% of power outages result from failure in electrical distribution systems and poor planning by power plants. If poor planning and climate change are an issue with the power grid and its functionality, what can be done to further prepare power plants to transition into resourceful energy sources?
The Purpose of the Project: Finding a way to minimize the number of power outages related to poor planning and climate change is this project’s top priority. We will attempt to maximize power output using renewable sources. If research is done to find efficient ways to prepare power plants to transition to resourceful energy, many will benefit from consistent power in their homes.
Plan of Action: We will begin this project through research done through talking to experts and other resources. We hope to do tests throughout the year to further our understanding of the problem at hand and plan to produce an experimental code for our computational model. We would like to understand how these power outages happen and what we can do to better prevent them. Whether this is through our homes or power plants.
Code: To demonstrate the code for this project, we will be using coding simulation programs such as Python, to show how power plants are impacted. When meeting with the scientist they listed a couple of different coding programs that we will be looking into. Different factors, (heat waves or loss of fossil fuels), impacting the power that power plants release and show how the loss impacts homes. The power plant will release energy to an example house (that represents the community). This will demonstrate how power plants impact energy in homes.
Team Members:
Kyreen White
Candis Canaday
Nancy Avila Do
Gwenevere Caouette
Sponsoring Teacher: Karen Glennon