Alzheimer's disease

Team: 34

School: La Cueva High

Area of Science: medicine

Proposal: Draft Idea (probably will be extended later on): Using classification models, can the occurrence and prognosis of Late Onset Alzheimer’s disease be predicted from DNA methylation levels in patients?

The target / dependent variable is the occurrence/prognosis/staging of Alzheimer’s disease in patients. This target variable can be predicted using DNA methylation levels in patients which is the independent variable (an epigenetic factor).

We will first start with a smaller and much simpler example of our problem; predicting if a person has Alzheimer's based on the expression of DNA methylation levels of the HOXB6 gene using simpler data classifying machine learning algorithms such as KNN, Logistic Regression, Support vector machine, etc. We will record the results we observe and base the further movement of our project based upon these results, and dive into more specific problems.

Team Members:

  Aditya Koushik
  Abitpal Gyawali

Sponsoring Teacher: Yolanda Lozano

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