Forecasting Earthquakes

Team: 35

School: St. Thomas Aquinas

Area of Science: Earth and Space Sciences

Proposal: Even with modern technology, earthquakes are still largely unpredictable. Earthquakes occur anywhere on earth with the right conditions, being where there is enough elastic (relating to or being a collision between particles in which the total kinetic energy of the particles remains unchanged) energy to cause fracture enlargement or extension. Multiple earthquake models, such as the Global Earthquake Model (GEM), calculate earthquake risk. This project's purpose is to do something similar and calculate how the earthquake can affect the surrounding area, taking multiple variables into account. Created in Netlogo, this model will be programmed to allow a user to change variables such as the type of fault and magnitude of an earthquake.

Mentor: Eric Vigil

Team Members:

  Ethan Ong

Sponsoring Teacher: Eric Vigil

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