Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizers Efficiency; using vegetable sprouts

Team: 39

School: St. Thomas Aquinas

Area of Science: Microbiology

Proposal: Organic fertilizers have always been the widely used fertilizers since mankind developed farming. Farmers need fertilizers to cultivate crops. Organic fertilizers can be found about anywhere. Organic fertilizers include, animal waste and remainder of plants of crops. Therefore having high humidity and bad odor.
Inorganic fertilizers are nutrients that are derived from non-living sources. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three most important plant nutrients. Inorganic fertilizers are fully artificial and are manufactured in exact doses.
While organic and inorganic fertilizers feed nutrients to the plants, they both work differently. Organic fertilizers release nutrients to the plants slower than inorganic fertilizers. Most farmers prefer the inorganic fertilizers because it makes the plants grow and produce crops quicker. Organic fertilizers make soil and plants healthier and no risks for toxicity to people and the environment, while inorganic fertilizers provide nothing.
The objective of my experiment is to outweigh the negative and the positive effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers to the plants and the environment. Is there really an advantage to use inorganic fertilizers because of its capability to make profits from crops faster, than organic fertilizers that will benefit the environment?

Mentor: Erlyn Nyberg

Team Members:

  Franchesca Nyberg

Sponsoring Teacher: Eric Vigil

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