Team: 41
School: Corona High
Area of Science: Wind Energy
Proposal: What is the problem?
The problem is determining where to build a wind farm. The decision should consider the effect the farm will have on the environment, the economics of the area, the socio-political aspects of the farm, and the technical considerations of the farm.
Why is it important?
Siting wind farms is essential not only for the success of the wind energy company but also for the landowner that has to work around the farm, the livestock that lives in the area, and the other ecological impacts the wind farm will make on the site.
How do we plan to address this need?
We will address the need to determine a wind farm location by first analyzing local winds and determining if an area qualifies for the farm. Secondly, we will address the socio-political aspect by considering the people impacted by the farm. Third, we will analyze the economic effect of the wind farm on the local community and the resources needed to support the farm.
Team Members:
Emma Mulnix
Humberto Fernandez
Hadley Lightfoot
Hitch Dunlap
Tripp Dunlap
Sponsoring Teacher: Amanda Dunlap