Simulation of Psychological Effects on Economics

Team: 5

School: New Mexico Military Institute

Area of Science: Social Science

Proposal: Nowadays, we can easily see many people investing through various methods. Cryptocurrency became a big investment hub in society and the stock market is fluctuating as Covid caused the investors to leave and people started to jump back into the world of investments. We have experienced a recent recession and recovery through Covid and I learned that it is we humans who move the economy. I want to go deeper into the relationship between psychology and economics. Our team found a sample code in the models library in Netlogo. It is called Simple Economy. The wealth distribution fluctuates randomly but evenly. We are going to add more factors that move the economy such as how the consumers spend their money when they keep their money, how global issues affect how it affects the economy. We have not specified how much we are going to develop, but our aim is on making a psychological economy simulation and keeps on improving it.

Team Members:

  Ryan Lee
  Jaejoon Lee

Sponsoring Teacher: Mark Stone

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