Art With Tech

Team: 53

School: La Cueva High

Area of Science: Computer Science

Proposal: Can art and math concepts be taught with computer science? Lots of times, students have a hard time understanding art and math topics when they are described the standard way. If a program visually shows a concept on technology such as a Raspberry PI, would students be able to understand and grasp a math or art concept through computer science? For example, instead of reading about a fractal, someone can see it being drawn and learn about recursion and see the patterns repeat.
For this project, I propose to create a lesson that teaches art and math with computer science. There are languages such as Processing which are very good with visuals, and I would like to make a lesson that demonstrates a computer making art. Technology can make art by leveraging concepts such as fractals, symmetry, recursion, tessellations, and more. I will create and teach a lesson to students to determine their uptake of computational thinking concepts including math and logic. Students will take a survey before and after seeing the lesson and doing some hands-on work. The goal of the project is to be able to determine the efficiency of teaching traditional concepts in art and math in a novel way by utilizing technology and computer science.

Team Members:

  Victoria Outkin

Sponsoring Teacher: Yolanda Lozano

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