Light Pollution

Team: 6

School: Cleveland High

Area of Science: Environmental Sciences/Computer Sciences

Proposal: What is the problem?

Light pollution happens when artificial light is projected into the sky. This light is a result of human activity, and as such, light pollution is usually more prominent in urban areas. This light pollution can have drastic negative effects on ecosystems and it also hinders astronomical observation by obscuring the night sky. This means that astronomers have to find locations with relatively little light pollution in order to study celestial bodies.

Why is it important? What results do you hope to get?

Light pollution is a very big deal among astronomers, but it is not widely known. By displaying light pollution through a spatial perspective, we hope to increase awareness about this growing and impactful issue, and also create a tool for astronomers who seek to obtain an unobstructed view of the night sky.

How do you plan to work on this project?

We hope to utilize satellite imagery to create a spatial model displaying light pollution. We will use python to do this.

(No mentors as of yet)

Team Members:

Sponsoring Teacher: Ashli Knoell

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