Appendix A




Small portion of text-data representation of above spectrogram.
Point Freq Amp Phase
                                                        2 215 10 -2.034

                                                        3 301 41 -0.785

                                                        4 388 41 -1.460

                                                        5 474 186 1.768

                                                        6 560 279 -1.465

                                                        7 646 166 1.862

                                                        8 732 39 0.175

                                                        9 818 10 -1.107

                                                        10 904 19 -2.521

                                                        11 991 6 0.785

                                                        12 1077 12 0.381

                                                        13 1163 11 -2.214

                                                        14 1249 4 3.142
                                                        15 1335 12 1.190

                                                        16 1421 4 -0.785

                                                        17 1507 20 -0.785

                                                        18 1593 41 2.751

                                                        19 1680 88 0.000

                                                        20 1766 99 2.980

                                                        21 1852 52 -0.043

                                                        22 1938 32 -1.429

23 2024 23 2.634

Appendix B
 Program written in sh which splits text file into four smaller files containing amplitude, frequency, phase, or time.



# File:

# filesplit <an executable shell script written in sh>


# Description:

# This program takes a file with four different columns containing

# the Point, Frequency, Amplitude, and Phase respectively. This program

# was designed for use in conjuncture with spectrogram.c. It was written

# by Nick Tobkin and Evan Brown for the Lovington High School New Mexico

# Supercomputer Challenge - 1998 through 1999.


# Syntax:

# [me@localhost](~)> /path/to/sh filesplit


# $ SCC:, v 2.1 03/04/1999 11:51:25 tobkin Exp $



echo "\nWelcome to Filesplit!\n\n"

echo "Enter the name of the file to split: \c"

read FILE


if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]


echo "Sorry, $FILE does not exist.\n"

exit 0



echo "\nEnter the name of the file to contain the amplitude points: \c "

read AMP


echo "\nEnter the name of the file to contain the frequency points: \c"

read FREQ


echo "\nEnter the name of the file to contain the phase values: \c"

read PHASE


echo "\nEnter the name of the file to contain the points values: \c"



echo "\n\n*- Please wait while the numbers are split up. -*\n"

echo "Reading amplitude points into file $AMP..."

cat $FILE | awk '{ print $2 }' > $AMP

echo "done.\n"


echo "Reading frequency points into file $FREQ..."

cat $FILE | awk '{ print $4 }' > $FREQ

echo "done.\n"


echo "Reading phase values into file $PHASE..."

cat $FILE | awk '{ print $1 }' > $PHASE

echo "done.\n"

echo "Reading points into file $POINTS..."

cat $FILE | awk '{ print $3 }' > $POINTS

echo "done.\n\n"

echo "Job Complete...\n"

echo "Now run the spectrogram program.\n"


exit 1







Appendix C
Source from voice-identification program.


* File:

* spectrogram.c


* Description:

* This program takes three different files with the amplitude, the

* the frequency, and the phase points/values and uses them in an FFT to

* compare the voice with others in a database. This program was designed

* and written by Nick Tobkin and Evan Brown for the Lovington High School

* New Mexico Supercomputer Challenge - 1998 through 1999.


* Compilation:

* [me@localhost](~)> gcc -o spectrogram spectrogram.c -lm


* Syntax:

* [me@localhost](~)> ./spectrogram


* $ SCC: spectrogram.c, v 2.1 02/17/1999 01:14:35 tobkin Exp $





#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <math.h>


int main(void) {


/* Declaring some local variables. */

FILE *ampfile, *freqfile, *phasefile, *pointsfile, *nickbase, *evanbase;

char amp[15], freq[15], phase[15], points[15];

int i=0;

int ampval[120999], freqval[120999], pointsval[120999];

float phaseval[120999];

float num, total, average, nickssum, evanssum;



/* Lots of printf()'s for the banner when the program is started. */


printf(" ______ \n");

printf(" / _____) _ \n");

printf("( (____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ____ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ \n");

printf(" \\____ \\| _ \\| ___ |/ ___|_ _)/ ___) _ \\ / _ |/ ___|____ | \\ \n");

printf(" _____) ) |_| | ____( (___ | |_| | | |_| ( (_| | | / ___ | | | | \n");

printf("(______/| __/|_____)\\____) \\__)_| \\___/ \\___ |_| \\_____|_|_|_| \n");

printf(" |_| (_____| \n");

printf("\n\n Version 2.1 \n\n\n");

printf("Welcome to the voice analyzer program. \n\n");

printf("Instructions: \n");

printf("1. Make sure that the unknown voice has the amplitude, \n");

printf(" frequency, and phase values in different files. \n");

printf(" * Use the filesplit program for this task * \n");

printf("2. All of the values must be in the corresponding order \n");

printf(" in the files. \n\n\n");



/* The next 11 lines read the name of the various files into variables. */

printf("Name of the file containing the amplitude values of the voice: ");


printf("\nName of the file containing the frequency values of the voice: ");



printf("\nName of the file containing the phase values of the voice: ");



printf("\nName of the file containing the point values of the voice: ");




/* These 4 if statements are used to find out if the file exists. */

if ((ampfile = fopen(amp,"r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open the amplitude file.\n");

printf("(Maybe you mispelled the name of the file?)\n\n");



if ((freqfile = fopen(freq,"r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open the frequency file.\n");

printf("(Maybe you mispelled the name of the file?)\n\n");



if ((phasefile = fopen(phase,"r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open the phase file.\n");

printf("(Maybe you mispelled the name of the file?)\n\n");




if ((pointsfile = fopen(points,"r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open the points file.\n");

printf("(Maybe you mispelled the name of the file?)\n\n");





/* The next four 'for' statements are used to read the contents */

/* of the files into arrays. */ for (i=0;i<121000;i++) {

fscanf(ampfile, "%d", &ampval[i]);



for (i=0;i<121000;i++) {

fscanf(freqfile, "%d", &freqval[i]);



for (i=0;i<121000;i++) {

fscanf(phasefile, "%g", &phaseval[i]);



for (i=0;i<121000;i++) {

fscanf(pointsfile, "%d", &pointsval[i]);








/* This is the FFT equation to try and find the sumation of the voice. */

for (i=0;i<121000;i++) {

num = (ampval[i] * (cos (2 * 3.14159 * phaseval[i] * freqval[i] * pointsval[i])) + (ampval[i] * (sin (2 * 3.14159 * phaseval[i] * freqval[i] * pointsval[i])))); total = (total + num);



average = (total / 121000);



printf("\n The sumation of the voice is: %g\n",average);



if ((nickbase = fopen("nick.txt","r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open Nick's file.\n");



if ((evanbase = fopen("evan.txt","r"))==NULL) {

printf("Cannot open Evan's file.\n");



nickssum = 0;

evanssum = 0;


fscanf(nickbase, "%g", &nickssum);

fscanf(evanbase, "%g", &evanssum);


if ((nickssum - (.00002568 * average)) <= average &&

average <= (nickssum + (.00002568* average))) { printf("The voice is Nick's.\n");


if ((evanssum - (.00002568 * average)) <= average &&

average <= (evanssum + (.00002568 * average))) { printf("The voice is Evan's.\n");










return 0;






/* EOF */