Supercomputing Challenge

Summer Teacher Institute (STI)

STI 2006 Calendar of Events

STI 2006 Syllabus

Research Tips


Dates and deadlines for the 2006-2007 Supercomputing Challenge.

Class Notes

See pictures of our activities.

Project Proposals, Interims, Final Reports

Vote for the best project.

The STI will be a three-credit graduate-level course. Topics include: Computational Science, Mathematical Modeling, Agent Based Modeling using StarLogo, Collaborative Tools, Technical Writing, Web-Based Research, Programming with Java or Mathematica, Data Analysis, Web Site Management, your own Supercomputing Project, and a milestone-by-milestone overview of the Supercomputing Challenge program.

All expenses will be paid including housing, food allowance, expense stipend, three credit hour graduate class, software, and books.

Santa Fe Indian School will host this year's STI. Directions to the campus are at: (scroll down toward the bottom) and a map of the campus is at:

STI begins at 5:00 July 16th at the cafeteria. The daily schedule will be 8:15 to 4:45 or so on the 17th through the 21st and the 24th through the 28th.

Meet the Instructors or
Mail a message to the STI Instructors (

If you have questions about participating in the Summer 2006 STI, drop us Supercomputing Challenge STI Consulting a line.

You can learn about previous STIs by browsing through our archives. The Syllabi are quite detailed.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, contact us at: consult @

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