2007-2008 Supercomputing Challenge New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge


Final Reports



School Map

Technical Guide

Past Participant Survey



Sandia Tour, Monday, March 10, 2008

The tour participants

About 50 students and teachers from 5 schools participated in a tour of Sandia National Laboratories.

Meeting Place

Those going on the Sandia Tour (students from Artesia, Farmington, Freedom, Melrose and Socorro) will meet at the Holiday Inn Express in Albuquerque located on Hotel Avenue. Hotel Avenue is just south of Lomas (between Lomas and I-40) and East of Eubank. The address is: 10330 Hotel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123-1256. The phone number is 505-275-8900.

Meeting Time

Meeting time is at 8:00 am and should be back at the hotel around 3:30 pm.

Sandia Schedule

8:30 Leave hotel for building 823 Breezeway
9:00 Leonard Malczynski/ Howard Passell - Rio Grande valley water model
10:00 Chi-Chi May - Simulating biological systems with circuit models
11:00 Mark Boslough-Low Altitude Bursts and the Impact Threat
         Backup: Christopher Siefert - Computational Science Process
11:45 lunch at 823 Breezeway
1:00 Students walk to first tour
1:15 Group 1: Red Storm, Bldg. 725 - POC: John Noe
        Group 2: Tape storage, Bldg xxx - POC: John Noe
                       J-cell Bldg. 899 - POC: David Logsted and Alan Scott.
1:45 Group 1: Tape Storage, Bldg xxx
        Group 2: JCEL VisLab, Bldg 899/Rm 1702
2:15 Group 1: JCEL VisLab, Bldg 899/Rm 1702
        Group 2: Red Storm, Bldg 725
3:00 Departure for hotel
3:30 Return to hotel

UNM Center for High Performance Computing Tour, Monday, March 10, 2008


The UNM tour participants

About 25 students and teachers from 4 schools participated in a tour of UNM. See more pictures of the UNM tour.

Those going on the UNM Tour (students from Artesia, Jackson, LAHS, LAMS and McCurdy) will meet at 8:45 am at the UNM CHPC (where the February Project Evaluations were held) and should be done around 3:00 pm.

CHPC Schedule

8:30 Arrive at CHPC
9:00 ECE Dept. Chair, Professor Chaouki Abdallah
10:00 Mike Majedi-UNM ECE robotics
10:30 Professor Pradeep Sena-nimation and digital media in his Advanced Graphics Lab
11:00 Professor Rafael Fierro will talk about some of the engineering that goes into robotics
11:30 lunch at CHPC with the UNM Admissions Office staff
12:30 Bob Robey-History and Overview of CHPC
1:00 CHPC machine room-Tom Caudell
1:45 DOME Lab
2:30 ARTS Lab-David Beining, Hue Walker
3:00 Departure

See what last year's Sandia Tour was like.

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For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @ challenge.nm.org