Drainage Fluid Dynamics Simulation Proposal

The problem I will address using supercomputing is water drainage with given debris, using a fluid dynamics simulation for flow over various surfaces and drainage systems. This is an increasingly important issue to us, here in New Mexico, as weather patterns become more intense due to climate change, and old drainage systems become less and less acceptable and manageable for the amount of precipitation entering the system at a given time. I hope that through this simulation we will be able to more accurately gauge necessary drainage improvements for various predicted precipitation and flow rate scenarios across the city. I plan to begin with a very simple physics simulation with large particles representing the water and very few properties of water implemented, then slowly add and implement more properties, debris, and other finer tuning of the water to maximize the accuracy of the simulation (accurate data for fine tuning will be acquired from research(online or otherwise)). I also, given enough time, plan to potentially implement a basic machine learning algorithm to determine various optimal solutions to varying situations (differing amounts and sizes of debris, water flow, etc.)
