Background Information
Research Paper
Charts and Statistics
Program Code
#include < iostream.h >
#include < math.h >
#include < fstream.h >
int main()
//makes program refer to data file injury.dat
fstream InFile ("injury.dat",ios::in | ios::out);
//declares variables
//variables input by user
double weight; //weight input by user
double kg; //weight converted to kilograms
double feet; //feet input by user
double inch; //inches input by user
double height; //total height in inches
double meter; //converts height in inches to meters
double gender; //gender input by user
double age; //age input by user
double max_age; //maximum age for calculations, input by user
double min_age; //minimum age for calculations, input by user
double bmi; //Body Mass Index = (wt/ht^2)
double max_bmi; //maximum BMI for calculations, input by user
double min_bmi; //minimum BMI for calculation, input by user
double userperc_bmi; //percentage of people within BMI range
double userperc_age; //percentage of people within age group
//variables from data file
const int count=303; //total number of patients in data file
double w[count]; //weight from data file
double h[count]; //height from data file, already in inches
double g[count]; //gender from data file
double a[count]; //age from data file
double type[count]; //type of injury from data file
int c_type[count]; //counts number of injuries (only types)
int c_bmi[count]; //counts number of BMIs within range
int c_age[count]; //counts number of ages within range
double bmi2;
//Explanation of program to user
cout<<"This program will determine which type of knee injury is most
likely to occur based on the information you enter and the statistical
information located in the data base. "<< endl;
//User inputs all information needed for calculation
cout<< "Are you a male or a female?"<< endl;
cout<< "Please enter 1 for male and 2 for female: ";
cin >>gender;
//prompts user for age
cout<< "How old are you? ";
cin >>age;
//prompts user for height
cout<<"How tall are you in feet and inches?"<< endl;
cout<<"Feet: ";
cin >>feet;
cout<<"Inches: ";
cin >>inch;
//calculates height in inches
height = ((feet*12) + inch);
//converts height in inches to meter
meter = (height *.0254);
//prompts user for weight
cout<<"Please enter your weight in pounds: ";
//converts weight from pounds to kilogram
//calculates a person's body mass index
bmi = (kg/(meter*meter));
//prints out BMI
cout << "Based on your height and weight, your Body Mass Index is " << bmi
<< "."<18.5) && (bmi <=24.9))
cout<< "This means you are of normal weight."<< endl;
else if ((bmi>24.9) && (bmi <=29.9))
cout<< "This means you are overweight."<< endl;
else if ((bmi >29.9) &&(bmi <=39.9))
cout<< "This means you are obese."<< endl;
else if (bmi >39.9)
cout<< "This means you are extremely obese."<< endl;
//Prints out BMI chart so user can pick minimum and maximum BMI
cout<< "\t\t Body Mass Index Chart"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\tFrom:\tTo:\tBody Type"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\t0\t18.5\tUnderweight"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\t18.6\t24.9\tNormal Weight"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\t25\t29.9\tOverweight"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\t30\t39.9\tObese"<< endl;
cout<< "\t\tGreater than 40\tExtremely Obese"<< endl;
//prompts user for minimum and maximum BMI
//these are the values that will be used to define the search
cout<< "Please enter the minimum Body Mass Index for your search: ";
cin >>min_bmi;
cout<< "Please enter the maximum Body Mass Index for your search: ";
cin >>max_bmi;
//prints out the person age
cout << "Your age is " << age << "."<< endl;
//prompts user for minimum and maximum age
//these values will be used to define the search
cout << "Please enter the minimum age for your search: ";
cin >> min_age;
cout << "Please enter the maximum age for your search: ";
cin >> max_age;
//read data file using a for loop
for(int i=0; i < count; i++)
//fills arrays with correct information
InFile >>w[i];
InFile >>h[i];
InFile >>g[i];
InFile >>a[i];
InFile >>type[i];
//for loop to print out injury type
for(int j=1; j < = 7; j++)
//prints out type of injury based on number
if (j==1)
cout<< "Type 1 is a tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL)"<< endl;
if (j==2)
cout<< "Type 2 is a tear of the Medial Cartilage"<< endl;
if (j==3)
cout<< "Type 3 is a closed fracture of the upper Tibia"<< endl;
if (j==4)
cout<< "Type 4 is a sprain of the Medial Collateral Ligament(MCL)"<< endl;
if (j==5)
cout<< "Type 5 is a dislocation of the Patella"<< endl;
if (j==6)
cout<< "Type 6 is a tear of the Lateral Cartilage"<< endl;
if (j==7)
cout<< "Type 7 is a sprain of the Lateral Collateral Ligament(LCL)"<<
//tests each piece of data in database
for(int i=0; i < count; i++)
//if gender is the same as user input gender, the loop will be executed
if (gender == g[i])
//separates type of injury, checks each separate category
if (type[i] == j)
//if injury from database is same as the one being checked, one is added
//to the count of the type of injury
//calculates BMI from of height and weight from the database
bmi2 = ((w[i]*.45)/((h[i]*.0254)*(h[i]*.0254)));
//if the calculated BMI is withing the user specified range, this
//loop is executed
if ((bmi2>=min_bmi) && (bmi2<=max_bmi))
//one is added to the BMI count for the specific injury being tested
//if age from database is within user specified range, this loop
//is executed
if ((a[i]>=min_age)&&(a[i]<=max_age))
//one is added to the age count for the specific injury being tested
//for loop to check the 6 types of injury and calculates results for each
for(int j=1; j < = 7; j++)
//skips a line when the program is run
cout<< endl;
//calculates percentage for BMI of specific type of injury
userperc_bmi = ((double(c_bmi[j])/double(c_type[j]))*100);
//prints out results for BMI of type "j" of injury
cout<< "Your percentage for type "<< j<< " using BMI is "<< userperc_bmi<<
"%."<< endl;
//calculates percentage for age of specific type injury
userperc_age = ((double(c_age[j])/double(c_type[j]))*100);
//prints out results for age of type "j" of injury
cout<< "Your percentage for type "<< j<< " using age is "<< userperc_age<<
"%."<< endl;
userperc_bmi = 0.0;
userperc_age = 0.0;