Supercomputing Challenge

STI Projects

Pink Shirts
Pink Shirts Proposal
Pink Shirts Interim
Pink Shirts Final Report
Spread of Trends in a Middle School (ppt)
StarLogo model

Makoena, Thansewi, Susan, Theresa, Peter

Gene Based Diseases and Future Generations
Gene Based Diseases and Future Generations Proposal
Gene Based Diseases and Future Generations Interim
Gene Based Diseases and Future Generations Presentation (ppt)

Christopher, Karen, Greg, Charles

Coyote, Elk and Environment Interactions
Coyote, Elk and Environment Interactions Proposal
Coyote, Elk and Environment Interactions Interim
Coyote, Elk and Environment Interactions Presentation (ppt)
StarLogo Water ground flow model

Bob, Randy

Equilibrium Proposal
Equilibrium Interim
Chemical Equilbrium Presentation (ppt)

Jason, Deb, Janet, Rey

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, contact us at: consult @

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