Companion Translation Robot

Team: 34

School: Justice Code/International/Harrison

Area of Science: Engineering, Social Science

Interim: Team Number: 34

Team Members: Ivy Charley

Sponsor Name: Brown, Campbell, Palmer

Science Focus: Engineering, Social Science

2022-2023 NM SuperComputing Challenge Interim Report

Project Title: Companion Translation Robot

Problem Definition: I am trying to help with the problem of understanding foreign languages and helping deaf and blind people communicate

Problem Solution: I will make a companion robot to help with all the things mentioned by making it able to translate any language automatically and having it play the sound of the translation and put a screen or a hologram of the translated words

Progress to Date: settled on a project idea, project proposal, the problem and how to solve it, and what materials I would most likely need

Expected Results: I’m expecting to at least get the coding, translation, and sound working and after that, it to have a screen for the words or it to project it or have it as a hologram

Team Members:

  Ivy Charley

Sponsoring Teacher: Caia Brown

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