water robot

Team: 35

School: Justice Code/International/Harrison

Area of Science: environmental science

Interim: Team Number: 35
Team Members:Sara Santiago,Iris Brown,Alondra Jimenez,Ivan charlie
Sponsor Name: Brown, Campbell, Palmer
Science Focus: Environmental Science

2022-2023 NM SuperComputing Challenge Interim Report

Project Title: Our Project title is “The Water Robot”.

Problem Definition:
So we want to look at how to solve the problem of lots of trash being in the ocean. We think this is a problem because animals die from that trash and it causes more pollution in the water and then we won't have good water and because the ocean food chain would be messed up and eventually it will affect all of us because it is bad for the environment. It could possibly lead to starvation, dehydration, and even eventually cannibalism. We want to use our computer model to show how this could happen. Then we want to be able to show how it could be prevented if less litter goes in the ocean. We want to make a waterproof robot that can clean underwater areas of litter and model the statistics that we figure out from a small real life test.

Problem Solution: We think a good solution would be making a water robot to go all the way down into the bottom of the ocean to pick up trash. It needs to withstand pressure with a good strong shape, like a circle.

Progress to Date:We did research on how to make a robot move and how it can move under water. We are also learning how to code with Python and with Dr. Anthony. We have already learned how to make shapes and movements with code. We are beginning to use what we have learned to apply to our project so we can write code to get a robot to move.

Expected Results:The expected result that we are looking for is our robot will be able to clean out at least 5% of the ocean trash and not be destroyed while doing it.

Works Cited


Team Members:

  Alondra Jimenez
  Sara Santiago

Sponsoring Teacher: Caia Brown

Mail the entire Team