Tsunami Evacuation Algorithm

Team: 41

School: Justice Code/International/Harrison

Area of Science: Tsunamis and Seismographic Waves

Interim: Team “41” Members:
Kolton Walker
Delight Emma-Asonye
Chisimdiri Egbo
Chukwuemelie Mends

Problem Defined
Tsunamis are a series of giant waves that can be caused by underwater earthquakes or underwater volcanic eruptions. When this happens, the vibrations from underwater cause a series of waves. As the waves move closer to the shores, they can become massive in size. Once they reach the shores, the destruction caused by the waves can be both catastrophic and deadly to the shoreline cities in its path. In this project, we will use StarLogo Nova to create an algorithm that a city can use to either Alert or Order an evacuation.

Computational Model
We will use existing seismograph data to help develop our algorithm. It will be based on the size of earth movement relative to shoreline cities. We will use a baseline seismograph measurement that will determine whether or not the city will issue an Alert vs. an Order to evacuate.

Our Progress Coding
We haven’t done much programing yet. We started but have had a hard time meeting on a monthly basis. We have decided to meet at least twice a month leading up to the final submission. We will also try to meet up on ZOOM when we everyone’s schedule permits.

Our Expected Results
We expect the algorithm to show that the type of tsunami, coupled with the seismograph readings will ultimately help the city to decide on an Alert or Evacuation.


Team Members:

  Kolton Walker
  Delight Asonye

Sponsoring Teacher: Caia Brown

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