Sparks vs. Bolts

Team: 25

School: Justice Code/International/Harrison

Area of Science: Environmental Science

Proposal: Debates surrounding the environmental benefits of electric cars over conventional gasoline vehicles have increased in recent years, shaping public policies about such vehicles. Our project problem or research question is: Does an electric car actually result in a smaller carbon footprint than a conventional gasoline car when considering production and emissions? The purpose and importance of this problem lie in its practical applications. Determining the overall carbon footprints of traditional gasoline and electric vehicles can influence buyers’ choices regarding which vehicles to purchase. Furthermore, our study entails environmental consciousness and can affect government policies about vehicles that are best for the environment. To approach our problem, we plan to compile and analyze information about the complete carbon footprint of two specific electric and gasoline vehicles (of the same brand). Additionally, we intend to create a computational model to visualize and determine the point at which a specific quantity of gasoline cars equates to an electric vehicle or vice versa.

Team Members:

  Aileen Ukwuoma
  Alexandrina Ukwuoma
  Isaac Rankin

Sponsoring Teacher: Caia Brown

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