WALTR (Worksite, Alarm, Light, Transmitter, Receiver)

Team: 29

School: Tucumcari High

Area of Science: Engineering

Proposal: Our team did research and conducted interviews to find any major problems that workers in the construction, agricultural, etc. fields deal with. One recurring issue that we found was someone seeing an accident about to take place but not being able to alert the operator of the issue before it was too late. To combat this issue, our team will make WALTR.

WALTR (Worksite, Alarm, Light, Transmitter, Receiver), is the approximate size of a cell phone that could be attached to something in the operator's line of sight. It would have a continuous green light when in operation and all is OK. If anyone within the worksite sees an issue, they could press a button on their unit for an immediate trigger of all units to turn red and sound an audible alarm. Each unit would retrigger to extend the range. A LoRa radio or other similar unit is envisioned for use. Each would retrigger for a specified number of seconds to keep from overloading the units with information. WALTR allows any individual in the system to alert all others of an impending emergency, thus halting all movement until rectified. Our team plans to use the Supercomputing Challenge to find the best route/ plan of action to move forward with it.

Mentor(s): Tommy Evans

Team Members:

  Sariah Mardo
  Rachel Mardo

Sponsoring Teacher: Thomas Evans

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