Mushrooms and How They Eat Trash

Team: 3

School: McKinley Middle School

Area of Science: Biology

Proposal: Mushrooms can obtain their nutrition from metabolizing nonliving organic matter. They can send little mushrooms called spores [the spores are little mushrooms and like seeds but not seeds.] “Fungi have a unique propensity for breaking down chemical pollutants, including oil and pesticides, and extracting or binding heavy metals, even radiation (Ali & Di, 2017).”

Importance: It is important for us to clean trash because if we don’t it will send toxins into the air and we might kill our planet. Mushrooms can help this solution by breaking down chemical pollutants like trash. As my project I have decided to focus on mushrooms because they can clean our world by breaking down compounds in trash. It can change trash into soil and create new nutrients.

Plan of Action: In Netlogo I plan to create a model that will show how in different settings mushrooms will eat/dissolve chemicals in different types of items. I have grown mushrooms and done a little research. I will continue to research how mushrooms break down chemicals in different ways with different types of trash. I will collect trash and experiment with growing mushrooms among the trash items.

Team Members:

  Lennon Marteniz

Sponsoring Teacher: Sharee Lunsford

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