Simulating the Creation of Kerosene Using Sunlight, Water Vapor, and Air.

Team: 7

School: Sandia Preparatory

Area of Science: Biochemistry

Proposal: Most of the world is dependent on a few nations for oil. They can change the price of oil and cause a major impact on many industries of the economy, including aviation. Many airlines do not have a high profit margin, mainly relying on memberships and bonuses for income. An increase in the cost of fuel will make many airlines lose profitability. We will research and simulate the making of kerosene using water vapor, sunlight, and air, determining if it is a replacement for regular aviation fuel, and if it is more eco-friendly than traditional fuel. We will measure all the possible chemical reactions that could occur in a randomized simulation, including the types of molecules, number of molecules, types of reactions, and number of reactions. Then we will graph all the possible scenarios that could occur in our simulation, and see how much kerosene and other byproducts are produced. Then we will determine how eco-friendly, and cost efficient using kerosene may be. Our program will be built in python and will use the Gillespie algorithm to model the chemical reactions. The types of molecules, number of molecules, types of reactions, and number of reactions will all be represented as variables in our simulation.

Team Members:

  Patrick Blewett
  Humdan Qureshi

Sponsoring Teacher: Nicholas Aase

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