2007-2008 Supercomputing Challenge New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge


Final Reports



School Map

Technical Guide

Past Participant Survey



The Supercomputing Challenge
Project GUTS
Summer Teacher Institute (STI)


STI 2008 will be held at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro July 13-25, 2008.

The primary goals of the Supercomputing Challenge / Project GUTS Summer Teacher Institute are to:

  1. introduce teachers to complexity science and computational tools and methods,
  2. advance teachers' knowledge, understanding, and skills in STEM domains,
  3. prepare teachers to support Supercomputing Challenge and/or Project GUTS teams, and
  4. provide ongoing support to teachers who will recruit and assist students in STEM endeavors.

Secondary goals include forming of networks of support for STEM teachers, raise awareness of the continuity and scaffolding of learning between our two programs, and serving as a model of a coordinated approach to professional development that spans middle and high school informal science programs. By offering a collaborative Summer Teacher Institute, we hope to provide teachers with a variety of entry points into computational science, offer greater opportunities for collaboration between middle and high school teachers, and take advantage of some economies of scale.

Learning Experiences for the GUTS component

Expectations for the Challenge Teacher Sponsor

STI Wiki

Here is a double sided flyer advertising the Institute.


To officially register for the 2008 STI:
  1. Sign the letter of commitment
  2. All students must fill out the DEAF form, sign it and fax it to 575-835-5737 (this enables the Challenge to pay for your dorm room and meals and credit hours if applicable).
    Fill out the date, your name, your SSN, your NM Tech student id (if you have one), indicate if you want college credit and fill out the "Non-Employee Certification" section and leave the rest of the form for us to fill in.
  3. Students wishing to obtain graduate level credit from NMT click on the link: http://infohost.nmt.edu/~grad/Admissions.html
  4. Fill out our pre-STI skills evaluation



New Mexico Tech has agreed to donate surplus computers to STI participants that work at a New Mexico K-12 school.

You can request as many PCs as you want but the request must be on a letterhead from a New Mexico K-12 school and cosigned by the principal. The letter must mention that you are enrolled for credit in the MST-589 class taught by Dr. Mike Topliff and will be used to teach students as part of the Challenge. (This way you can get Microsoft XP if you want it, but Microsoft Office is NOT included.) Send the letter to:
Mike Topliff
Computer Center
Speare Hall room 117
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801

The PCs are 800 MHZ with 512 memory and 40 GB disks with ethernet, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. (As long as the supply lasts and for as many PCs as YOU can haul away.)


The STI will be a three-credit graduate-level course. MST 589 from New Mexico Tech in Socorro.


Meet the Instructors or
Mail a message to the STI Instructors (sticore AT challenge DOT nm DOT org).


Out of town participants will be housed in the Altamirano Student Apartments on the NM Tech campus.

New Mexico Tech Map

Class Materials

If you have questions about participating in the Summer 2008 STI, drop us Supercomputing Challenge STI Consulting a line.

Each summer we plan a two week institute for high school and middle school teachers so that they can learn about the Challenge and how to become a better Supercomputing Challenge TEACHER sponsor. Participants plan and implement a project in the context of a mini-Challenge. Getting to know and work with like-minded teachers from around the state is a real benefit of this professional development opportunity. Tours and recreation activities supplement the curriculum and enhance the collaboration that is an essential component of the Challenge.

Past STI's

  1. August 1995, 27 teachers, Los Alamos
  2. June 1996, 26 teachers, Portales
  3. July 1996, 27 teachers, Las Cruces
  4. July 1997, 47 teachers, Socorro
  5. June 1998, 16 teachers, Highlands-Las Vegas
  6. August 1998, 15 teachers, Highlands-Las Vegas
  7. June 1999, 15 teachers, NMSU-Las Cruces
  8. June 2000, 12 teachers, WNMU-Silver City
  9. June 2001, 19 teachers, NM Tech-Socorro
  10. June 2002, 14 teachers, San Juan College-Farmington
  11. July 2003, 23 teachers, San Juan College-Farmington
  12. June 2004, 11 teachers, Webinar/Highland High-Albuquerque
  13. July 2005, 19 teachers, Alamogordo High School
  14. July 2006, 15 teachers, Santa Fe Indian School
  15. July 2007, 15 teachers, CNM-Albuquerque
Search the Challenge Website:

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @ challenge.nm.org