Adventures in SuperComputing - Summer Teacher Institute

Example Site

Example Site Directions

The Example Site is set up to provide you with a model for you (and subsequently your student teams) to follow as you build your research and your Web site. All the elements that are required for a successful team entry into the Adventures in Super Computing Challenge are woven into the following framework. Primarily, the Project Final report is the Web site and includes the following main areas:

  • Real Problem
  • Working Problem
  • Math Model
  • Computer Program
  • Results/Conclusions

There are also a few secondary area that are built into the Web site framework, that include the milestones that each team will need to accomplish along the way towards the Awards Ceremony in the Spring. These areas include the following:

  • Team Members
  • Abstract
  • Research
  • Interim Report

It is the purpose of this series of classes to give you the skills needed to build a Web site for the dissemination of each team's project. This Web site is a model for which you to follow, not a template to copy and reuse.