Appendix B: nemic.c
* File:
* nemic.c
* Description:
* This program mathematically analyzes and simulates
* the rattleback by taking various input parameters and
* using them in the calculation. The programs uses a
* series of equations developed by Professor Mitiguy and
* Kane. The series of equations can be split into two
* parts: the kinematic & kinetic analysis. At the end
* of the program, Mathmatica is called for the final
* calculations.
* Compilation:
* [me@localhost](~)> gcc -o nemic nemic.c -lm
* Syntax:
* [me@localhost](~)> ./nemic
* $ SCC: nemic.c, v 2.3.3 03/12/2000 01:14:35 tobkin Exp $
float inputparams(char *descr)
float var;
printf("Input the %s: ", descr);
scanf("%f", &var);
return var;
int main(void)
int i;
float tmax, a, b, c, h;
float A, B, C, D, M;
float g, sigma, alpha;
float beta, gamma, omega1;
float omega2, omega3, u1;
float u2, u3, epsilon, epsilont;
float x1, x2, x3, u1t, u2t, u3t;
float x1t, x2t, x3t, v1, v2;
float v3, foo1, foo2, foo3;
float F1, F2, F3, R1, R2, R3;
float I11, I22, I33, I12, I23;
float I13, I31, I32, I21, S1;
float S2, S3, Q1, Q2, Q3;
float g1, g2, g3, g0;
float pi=3.141592;
char words[80];
for (i=0;i<30;i++)
printf(" _ \n");
printf(" (_) \n");
printf(" _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ ___ \n");
printf(" | '_ \\ / _ \\ '_ ` _ \\| |/ __| \n");
printf(" | | | | __/ | | | | | | (__ \n");
printf(" |_| |_|\\___|_| |_| |_|_|\\___| \n\n");
printf(" Version 2.3.3 \n\n");
printf("Welcome to the rattleback analyzer program. \n\n");
printf("Instructions: \n");
printf("1. Gather information about the rattleback to being \n");
printf(" calculated and simulated. \n");
printf("2. Input the various values when prompted for in the \n");
printf(" program. \n\n");
strcpy(words, "time the simulation should run (20)");
strcpy(words, "ellipsoid shape (x-axis, .2)");
strcpy(words, "ellipsoid shape (y-axis, .03)");
strcpy(words, "ellipsoid shape (z-axis, .02)");
strcpy(words, "height of coordinate system above the center of gravity (.01)");
strcpy(words, "mass moment of inertia A (.0002)");
strcpy(words, "mass moment of inertia B (.0016)");
strcpy(words, "mass moment of inertia C (.0017)");
strcpy(words, "mass moment of inertia D (-.000020)");
strcpy(words, "mass of the ellipsoid (1)");
strcpy(words, "gravitational pull (9.81)");
strcpy(words, "air resistance coefficient (0)");
alpha = ((.5 * pi) / 180);
beta = ((.5 * pi) / 180);
gamma = 0;
omega1 = 0;
omega2 = 0;
omega3 = 0;
u1 = (-cos(alpha) * sin(beta));
u2 = (sin(alpha));
u3 = (cos(alpha) * cos(beta));
epsilon = (sqrt(pow((a * u1),2) + pow((b * u2),2) + pow((c * u3),2)));
x1 = ((pow(a,2) * u1) / epsilon);
x2 = ((pow(b,2) * u2) / epsilon);
x3 = ((pow(c,2) * u3) / epsilon);
u1t = ((omega2 * u2) - (omega2 * u3));
u2t = ((omega3 * u3) - (omega3 * u1));
u3t = ((omega1 * u1) - (omega1 * u2));
epsilont = ((pow(a,2) * u1 * u1t) + (pow(b,2) * u2 * u2t) + (pow(c,2) * u3 * u3t));
x1t = ((pow(a,2) * ((epsilon * u1t) - (epsilont * u1))) / pow(epsilon,2));
x2t = ((pow(b,2) * ((epsilon * u2t) - (epsilont * u2))) / pow(epsilon,2));
x3t = ((pow(c,2) * ((epsilon * u3t) - (epsilont * u3))) / pow(epsilon,2));
v1 = ((omega2 * (h - x3)) + (omega3 * x2));
v2 = ((-omega3 * x1) - (omega1 * (h - x3)));
v3 = ((-omega1 * x2) + (omega2 * x1));
foo1 = ((omega2 * (v3 - x3t)) - (omega3 * (v2 - x2t)));
foo2 = ((omega3 * (v1 - x1t)) - (omega1 * (v3 - x3t)));
foo3 = ((omega1 * (v2 - x2t)) - (omega2 * (v1 - x1t)));
F1 = ((-sigma * omega1) + ((M * g) * (((x3 - h) * u2) - (x2 * u3))));
F2 = ((-sigma * omega2) + ((M * g) * (((h - x3) * u1) - (x1 * u3))));
F3 = ((-sigma * omega3) + ((M * g) * ((x2 * u1) - (x1 * u2))));
R1 = (((D * omega1) + ((B - C) * omega2)) * omega3);
R2 = ((((C - A) * omega1) - (D * omega2)) * omega3);
R3 = (D * (pow(omega2,2) - pow(omega1,2)) + ((A - B) * omega1 * omega2));
I11 = (A + (M * (pow(x2,2) + pow((h - x3),2))));
I22 = (B + (M * (pow(x1,2) + pow((h - x3),2))));
I33 = (C + (M * (pow(x1,2) + pow(x2,2))));
I12 = (D - (M * x1 * x2));
I23 = (M * (h - x3) * x2);
I13 = (M * (h - x3) * x1);
I31 = I13;
I32 = I23;
I21 = I12;
S1 = (M * (((h - x3) * foo2)) + (x2 * foo3));
S2 = (M * (((x3 - h) * foo1)) - (x1 * foo3));
S3 = (M * ((x1 * foo2) - (x2 * foo1)));
Q1 = F1 + R1 + S1;
Q2 = F2 + R2 + S2;
Q3 = F3 + R3 + S3;
g1 = (((Q1 * I22 * I33) + (I12 * I23 * Q3) + (I13 * Q2 * I32))
- ((Q3 * I22 * I13) + (I32 * I23 * Q1) * (I33 * Q2 * I12)));
g2 = (((I11 * Q2 * I33) + (Q1 * I23 * I31) + (I13 * I21 * Q3))
- ((I31 * Q2 * I13) + (Q3 * I23 * I11) * (I33 * I21 * Q1)));
g3 = (((I11 * I22 * Q3) + (I12 * Q2 * I31) + (Q1 * I21 * I32))
- ((I31 * I22 * Q1) + (I32 * Q2 * I11) * (Q3 * I21 * I12)));
g0 = (((I11 * I22 * I33) + (I12 * I23 * I31) + (I13 * I21 * I32))
- ((I31 * I22 * I13) + (I32 * I23 * I11) + (I33 * I21 * I12)));
printf("\n\nQ1 = %f\n", Q1);
printf("Q2 = %f\n", Q2);
printf("Q3 = %f\n", Q3);
printf("g1 = %f\n", g1);
printf("g2 = %f\n", g2);
printf("g3 = %f\n", g3);
printf("g0 = %f\n", g0);
return 0;
/* EOF */
Appendix C: nemicsolver.m
tspan = [0,20]
y10 = .5*pi/180
y20 = .5*pi/180
y30 = 0
y40 = 0
y50 = 0
y60 = -5
y0 = [y10;y20;y30;y40;y50;y60]
[t,y] = ode45('nemic',tspan,y0);
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('alpha (rad)')
title('Roll angle ')
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('beta (rad)')
title('Pitch angle')
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('gamma (rad)')
title('Yaw angle')
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('Omega1 (rad/sec)')
title('Angular velocity of roll')
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('Omega2 (rad/sec)')
title('Angular velocity of pitch')
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
ylabel('Omega3 (rad/sec)')
title('Angular velocity of yaw')
delta = acos(cos(y(:,1)).*cos(y(:,2)));
grid on
xlabel('t (sec)')
title('Angle between vertical axes of ellipsoid and surface')
Appendix D: nemic.m
function ydot = nemic(t,y)
a = .2;
b = .03;
c = .02;
h = .01;
A = 2.0*(10^-4);
B = 1.6*(10^-3);
C = 1.7*(10^-3);
D = -2.0*(10^-5);
M = 1;
g = 9.81;
sigma = 0;
u1 = -cos(y(1))*sin(y(2));
u2 = sin(y(1));
u3 = cos(y(1))*cos(y(2));
eps = sqrt((a*u1)^2 + (b*u2)^2 + (c*u3)^2);
x1 = (a^2)*u1/eps;
x2 = (b^2)*u2/eps;
x3 = (c^2)*u3/eps;
u1t = y(6)*u2 - y(5)*u3;
u2t = y(4)*u3 - y(6)*u1;
u3t = y(5)*u1 - y(4)*u2;
epst = ((a^2)*u1*u1t + (b^2)*u2*u2t + (c^2)*u3*u3t)/eps;
x1t = ((a^2)*(eps*u1t -epst*u1))/eps^2;
x2t = ((b^2)*(eps*u2t -epst*u2))/eps^2;
x3t = ((c^2)*(eps*u3t -epst*u3))/eps^2;
v1 = y(5)*(h-x3)+ y(6)*x2;
v2 = -y(6)*x1 - y(4)*(h-x3);
v3 = -y(4)*x2 + y(5)*x1;
zeta1 = y(5)*(v3-x3t) - y(6)*(v2-x2t);
zeta2 = y(6)*(v1-x1t) - y(4)*(v3-x3t);
zeta3 = y(4)*(v2-x2t) - y(5)*(v1-x1t);
F1 = -sigma*y(4) + M*g*((x3-h)*u2 - x2*u3);
F2 = -sigma * y(5) + M * g * ((h - x3) * u1 + x1*u3);
F3 = -sigma * y(6) + M * g * (x2 * u1 - x1 * u2);
R1 = (D * y(4) + (B - C) * y(5)) * y(6);
R2 = ((C - A) * y(4) - D * y(5)) * y(6);
R3 = D * (y(5)^2 - y(4)^2) + (A - B) * y(4) * y(5);
I11 = A + M * (x2^2 + (h - x3)^2);
I22 = B + M * (x1^2 + (h - x3)^2);
I33 = C + M * (x1^2 + x2^2);
I12 = D - M * x1 * x2;
I23 = M * (h - x3) * x2;
I13 = M * (h - x3) * x1;
I31 = I13;
I32 = I23;
I21 = I12;
S1 = M * ((h - x3) * zeta2 + x2 * zeta3);
S2 = M * ((x3 - h) * zeta1 - x1 * zeta3);
S3 = M * (x1 * zeta2 - x2 * zeta1);
Q1 = F1 + R1 + S1;
Q2 = F2 + R2 + S2;
Q3 = F3 + R3 + S3;
g1 = [Q1 I12 I13; Q2 I22 I23; Q3 I32 I33];
g2 = [I11 Q1 I13; I21 Q2 I23; I31 Q3 I33];
g3 = [I11 I12 Q1; I21 I22 Q2; I31 I32 Q3];
g0 = [I11 I12 I13; I21 I22 I23; I31 I32 I33];
detg0 = det(g0);
y4 = det(g1)/detg0;
y5 = det(g2)/detg0;
y6 = det(g3)/detg0;
y1 = y(6) * sin(y(2)) + y(4) * cos(y(2));
y2 = (-y(6)* cos(y(2)) + y(4) * sin(y(2))) * tan(y(1)) + y(5);
y3 = (y(6) * cos(y(2)) - y(4) * sin(y(2))) * sec(y(1));
ydot = [y1;y2;y3;y4;y5;y6];