Expo and Awards Ceremony Schedule

Here is the (tentative) schedule of events for April 2020:

Wednesday, April 1
  Final reports due

Monday, April 13
  Nominations for the Best teacher sponsor sent to Consult

Wednesday, April 15
  Judges conference call - about half a dozen finalists will be determined.

Monday, April 20
  Submissions for the Best Web presentation of a final report due
  Submissions for the Logo contest due

Monday, April 27

  8:00  The previously announced finalists will give 25 minute
          presentations to Finalist judges between 8:00 and 12:30
        Everyone else will give Zoom 
          presentations to Expo judges at pre-assigned half-an-hour
          time slots between 8:30 and 11:30 
  12:20-3:20 Scholarship interviews with Scholarship judges
  12:30 Expo judges caucus

  1:00 Expo judges announce additional finalists
  1:00-4:00 Expo finalists make 25 minute presentations to Finalist judges

Tuesday, April 28

 10:00-11:30  Awards Ceremony webinar via Zoom