How to Win Monopoly

Team: 21

School: Los Alamos Mid

Area of Science: Statistics

Interim: Progress Report on “Python-based Monopoly Game Simulation”
Team members: Asher Koh & Hayden Kim
Mentors: Aik-Siong Koh, S. Jun Kim, Mark Petersen

Have you ever wondered what spaces on the Monopoly board are most commonly landed on? Or have you ever been sitting there losing so bad in Monopoly and wished you knew exactly which spaces were the best to buy? Our project may give you a hint or solution to your life dilemma question.
Our project is about what spaces on the Monopoly board are landed on the most in a 150 move game. Because 7 is the most likely outcome of two dice, we need to take into consideration that at the beginning of the game every 7th space after Go and every 7th space after the spaces Boardwalk, Jail, St. Charles Place, Illinois Ave., and all Railroads are the most likely to be landed on because there are Chance/Community Chest cards that send you to these spaces, and in the case of Jail, the player is stuck there for three turns until it is released. This tells us that not all the spaces on the Monopoly board have the same probability of being landed on. We will simulate 2 - 6 virtual players moving according to 2 dice and Chance/Community Chest cards. If the virtual player is on the Go To Jail space, it will be sent back to the Jail space. If the dice roll doubles 3 times in a row for one player, it will be sent to Jail. For Chance and Community chest cards, for now, only the cards that tell the player to move will be simulated. If money is simulated, the other cards will come into play later. If a player lands on a Chance/Community Chest space, they will do the action on the card and the card will be sent to the back of the deck. How we plan to do that is by creating an array with numbers 1-16 randomly arranged when a Chance/Community Chest card is used, the 1st card in the array is used and when a second one needs to be used, the 2nd card in the array is used and when the array uses the 16th card, the numbers will reset and start over from card number 1. Because the Chance/Community Chest cards do not only contain movement, duds will be put in to act like the money cards that are useless. We will follow all official Monopoly rules found in reference [1]. Some information for coding in Python was found in reference [2,3,4] We are solving this problem computationally by simulating a Monopoly board using Python.
So far, we have used Tkinter in Python [5] to create a canvas acting as our Monopoly board. We also have a program for rolling the dice and moving the players. In the graphics of our canvas, we have colors and names for all the spaces on the Monopoly board. On the board, players are represented by a circle with different coloring in them, the graphics will show the circles taking turns and them moving around. The results that we are expecting are that we can advise Monopoly players about which space on the game board to buy and help you solve your life dilemma with an improved winning chance.
Stowell, Louie, et al. Coding for Beginners Using Python. Usborne, 2017.

Team Members:

  Asher Koh
  Hayden Kim

Sponsoring Teacher: Aik-Siong Koh

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