The Avian Oasis, creating water for endangered birds.

Team: 28

School: Media Arts Charter School

Area of Science: Humans and Environment

Interim: Schools Name: Media Arts Collaborative Charter School
Area of Science: Humans and Environment
Project Title: The Avian Oasis, creating water for endangered birds.

Problem Definition:
There are a lot of birds who are endangered because of climate change. Gould turkeys are endangered because they are being hunted and they don’t have enough water. These turkeys go to water sources and they live there until they run out of water. They are also targeting a lot during hunting season.

Problem Solution:
The SunGlacier also is known as the Avian Oasis is a machine that creates water by condensing cold air. There is a heatsink, a cone, and a Peltier device in this machine. The Peltier device is constructed of 1 large sheet. The device creates heat on one side of the sheet and it’s cold on the other side. It is sandwiched between the heatsink and the cone, the hot side is facing the heatsink and the cold side is facing the cone. This makes the cone very cold and the heatsink will take the heat and force it out as hot air. Heatsinks are usually found in computers and other electronic devices. Heatsinks take the heat from electronics and turn it into hot air so the electronic component doesn’t overheat. The cone is where the water can form. It is super cold so when air molecules touch the condensation occurs and water forms on the cone. An added part is the solar chimney, it forces all the hot air to push the cold air up so when it falls out it will reach the cone and hopefully starts condensation faster.

Progress to date:
the simulation is set to where we have the machine and it has the solar chimney hooked up to the device and all the air particles are the yellow and red arrows. In the center, is the machine. There is also a slider to control the humidity. When running the program it will start to make these blue outline circles called a dew and when two of those combined it makes a blue circle called water. Dews an only very small things of water and it can only move when it becomes the blue circle. The water needs to combine again to make a drop which is the water falling. The red air particles are hot air and hot air rises. The yellow air particles are average temperatures or cold.

Expected Results:
After working with the air particles a little what should happen is the hot air particles should push up through the solar chimney and the cold air would be at the top and fall out to the cone and turns colder or into dews. The air particles will become more accurate in movement and it will be colored differently so the temperatures will be better known.

How Do Thermoelectric Coolers (TEC) Work? (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gould's Turkey. (n.d.). Retrieved from
DC 03 Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Hartle, R. (2010, August 31). How Heat Sinks Work. Retrieved from
Smoot, J., VP of Apps Engineering and Motion Control, & CUI Devices. (2018, February 6). Choosing and Using Advanced Peltier Modules for Thermoelectric Cooling. Retrieved from

Team member: Colbie Boyd
Sponsoring Teacher: Creighton Edington

Team Members:

  Colbie Boyd

Sponsoring Teacher: Creighton Edington

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