Team: 26
School: Manzano High
Area of Science: cyber security
Proposal: Team Members:
Jerrel White.
Karen Glennon
Sharee Lunsford
Karen Glennon
Kurtis Griess
Area Of Science: Technology
Definition Of Problem: A traditional malware attack is a type of cyberattack (it is one of the many categories of cyber attacks), where Malware software (software created to intentionally damage a computer) performs activities on the victim's computer system, usually without their knowledge.Our Supercomputing Challenge problem is how to prevent the Hybrid attack, which is a type of Malware attack. The hybrid attack is a type of cyber attack that consists of various streams of traditional malware attacks. This is important, because it typically will contain part trojan (a type of malware that will pop up as a believable add, but following through with it will effectively render security software useless), part worm (a type of malware that will self-replicate and take over
Purpose of Project: The purpose of our project is to make people more aware of this cyber attack, that has learned to change and adapt based on its purpose / tutorial. A Hybrid cyber attack has more than one type of Malware attack coded into it, and it can inflict a great deal of damage to your computer, but not very many people are aware of this horrific type of cyber attack.
Plan of Action: Our plan of action is to create a visual demonstration, using NetLogo, to show people how efficient, destructive and dangerous a Hybrid cyber attack can be. Our goal is to make people more aware of, and help to give alternative ways of preventing falling victim to this attack.
Coding: We are going to create a visual of this virus, using NetLogo, then figure out our way to convert this visual into a more appropriate based model. Our code will consist of more changes and more development in our research part of coding to evaluate our initial you must ask when we are going to use this project plus our research we will make a model showing all the places this tech will hit and how we plan to solve it.
Team Members:
Sponsoring Teacher: NA