Project Evaluation Schedule

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

Contact Consult if you have difficulty with your assigned time or location.

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

San Juan College, Farmington, NM
February 7
Host: Alana Vanden Broeck
Location: Information Technology Center, room 7219

No teams in this area this year.

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
February 8
Host: Christine Quintana, Valerie Caballero and Serena Ortiz
Computer Center Building, room 217
Room 217, Judges: Ann Gomez, Albert Simon, David Price
9:00 Mesilla Valley 53 Micheal the "Human" 2.0
9:30 Mesilla Valley 54 Safety on the Road!
10:00 Mesilla Valley 55 Child safety
10:30 No Show Gadsden Middle School 1008 Measles in a School Setting
11:00 No Show Gadsden Middle School 1010 Hepatitis C in a Closed Population
11:30 Cancelled Gadsden Middle School 1020 Distemper at Animal Shelter

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
February 8
Host: Hope Cahill
rooms 214, 217
Judges: Betsy Frederick, David Janecky, Tom Robey, Bob Walsh
Room 214
9:00 Capital High School 13 Gun Block: Detecting Guns in a Video Stream Using Machine-Learning
10:00 Desert Academy 15 Giving Signatures a purpose
11:00 NMSA 59 It's 'Bout To Get Lit Up In Here: Modeling Forest Fire Risks in Northern New Mexico
Room 217
9:30 Captial High School 14 Identifying WiFi Attacks Using Aircrack-ng
10:30 Monte del Sol 1016 Wildfire Spread
11:30 Los Alamos Mid 21 How to Win Monopoly
11:30 Cancelled Santa Fe High 63 Effects of Nuclear Weapons

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

Eastern New Mexico University, Portales NM
February 8
Host: Ron Obenhaus
Location: University Computer Center
Room UCC 107, Judges: Richard Alex, Zeek Niu, Veena Parboteeah
9:00 Melrose High 37 Radiation Spill, Chernobyl USA
9:30 Melrose High 45 Volleyballl Statistics
10:00 Melrose Middle 36 Mustangs of America
10:30 Melrose Middle 51 Solar Sail Colonization
11:00 Grady High 17 Encouraging Anti-Diabetic Lifestyles in New Mexico Communities
11:30 House High 40 Whales vs. World
12:00 New Mexico Military Institute 58 Deforestation Simulation Project
12:00 Melrose High 35 Till The Cows Come Home Again

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

University of New Mexico, Center for Advanced Research Computing, Albuquerque, NM
February 15
Host: Patrick Bridges
Center for Advanced Research Computing, rooms 1106, 1109
Room 1106, Judges: Hussein Azzawi, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Kurtis Griess, Reffat Sharmeen, Carol Thompson
9:00 Eldorado High 16 It's raining Seeds! Hallelujah!
9:30 Jackson 18 Maximizing Farm Water To Negate Agricultural Drought in New Mexico
10:00 Jackson 19 Fun Ways to Learn About Anxiety
10:30 Jackson 1018 Lead Poisoning Removal
11:00 Multi-Cottonwood/DelNorte 56 Albuquerque Fire Department Wait Times
11:30 Media Arts Charter School 31 A novel approach to winning a domino game
Room 1109, Judges: Varsha Dani, Drew Einhorn, Chrysm Watson Ross, Scott Wilson
9:00 Manzano High 26 Cybersecurity: Malware
9:30 Multi-Eldorado/Manzano/Sandia 25 Internet of Things Security: How to Keep IoT Devices Secure at Home
10:00 Rio Rancho Cyber Academy 60 Fire Breaks
10:30 Media Arts Charter School 33 Unique Ways of Data
11:00 Media Arts Charter School 1019 The Avian Oasis, creating water for endangered birds.
11:30 Cancelled Media Arts Charter School 32 Boy Bands
12:00 Oak Grove Classical Academy 1021 Security Application For Every School (SAFES)

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

Northern New Mexico College, Espanola, NM
February 15
Host: Steve Cox
Rooms SERPA 103
Judges: Claudia Aprea, Steve Cox, Joan Lucas, David Torres
Room SERPA 103
9:00 Cancelled Los Alamos High 20 Activity-by-Contact Model to Predict Enhancer-Gene Connections
9:30 Cancelled Los Alamos High 1003 Automatic Differentiation and AI Applied to Computational Physics
10:00 Cancelled Los Alamos High 1005 Cancer Diagnosis via AI: sparse vs. deep learning
10:30 Los Alamos Mid 1017 Visual Detection of Melanoma Cancer With Artificial Intelligence
11:00 Taos High 70 Doctor's Assistant Program
11:30 Taos High 71 Solar Powered Computer

The schedules are subject to change so please check back during the week of your evaluation for last minute changes.

New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
February 29
Host: Amy Knowles
Cramer Building, rooms 221
Room 221, Judges: Alexander Benson, Rita Kuo, Carlos Rubio, Micah Sulich
9:00 Socorro High 66 PROJECT CO-OP
9:30 Socorro High 67 Vocal Voltmeter
10:00 No Show Socorro High 68 School Bus Routing
10:30 Saturday Sci & Math 1015 Eletrico
11:00 Los Lunas High 22 Fuel for our Future
11:30 No Show Los Lunas High 23 QR Surveys
10:30 Cancelled Belen Middle 8 To vaccinate or not
11:00 Cancelled Belen Middle 9 Historical Goggle World
11:30 Cancelled Belen Middle 10 It all begins with one
Room 239, Judges:
10:30 Cancelled Belen High 2 The Potential Of The Kinect
11:00 Cancelled Belen High 3 Guitar for the Internet